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Fig. 1 | Cancer Convergence

Fig. 1

From: A network modeling approach to elucidate drug resistance mechanisms and predict combinatorial drug treatments in breast cancer

Fig. 1

A logical dynamic network model of signal transduction. a Simplified network of PI3K and MAPK signaling initiated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). b Three possible trajectories (using general asynchronous updating) of the model constructed from the network shown in panel A and the regulatory functions in Eq. (1), with an initial condition in which the only active node is Growth Factor (GF). c Time course of the activity (average node state) of each node using equal update probability for all nodes (left) or using a smaller update probability for the Transcription Factors (TF) node compared to the rest of the nodes (right). Inset shows a zoom in of the time course for the early time steps. Note that the time courses of the activity of several nodes overlap in panels B and C, in particular, RAS and PI3K, RAF and PIP3, and MEK/ERK and AKT

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